ET and I

ET and I - Episode 5: Questions We Could Ask About the Kosmos

Bright Garlick Season 1 Episode 5

Hey folks, welcome to the fifth episode of the ET and I podcast.

This is part two of the Models of the Cosmos series.

In today's episode I explore questions we could ask about the Kosmos but to do so I propose two very different approaches to how we ask questions. I suggest to you that whilst it might be more tempting to ask endless questions about the Kosmos and all that it contains by looking out there or taking in information second hand, that is not the most useful path to truly learning about the nature of the Kosmos. There is an approach that is more direct and insightful, that requires no external validation. It is an approach that takes hard work and effort and commitment and great honesty on your part. But is an approach that you will find far more rewarding and enlightening.

There will be those of you who will get what I'm suggesting and those of you who will not. There will be those of you who are prepared to learn for yourselves and you will gain a great deal from what I am offering you today and there will be those of you who want instant information with no work on your part and what I have to offer today will not have any value what so ever to you.

The way we approach our questioning says a lot about who we are, how we function and what our priorities are. Many people glued to the disclosure subject want instant information and are stuck in a kind of addiction to sensationalism. Other people however see that the disclosure subject is not so important and recognize that what is most important is what they can learn from their own experiences.

Are you brave enough to turn inwards and to hold a mirror to thy self?  

You can read more about this subject on my blog: More episodes here: and also on YT here:

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PS. Today's outro is - Left With the Thought of You by The Cats and the Fiddle (1939)...

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