ET and I

Short Cuts 17: Personal Difficulties With ET Experiences and Relationships

Bright Garlick Season 1

SC17: Personal Difficulties With ET Experiences and Relationships

I this episode of short cuts I get up close and personal and tell you a little about the difficulties I've had with my ET experiences and relationships, in particular the struggle I've had with doubt.

Doubt is a subject that many people have a great aversion to but I feel we need to be more open and honest about doubt with ourselves and publicly, if we're to make sense of the Human-ET relationship and if we're to understand the role of the human condition in that relationship.

I could have easily avoided talking about this subject at any time in my life of sharing but I've chosen to talk about it because I feel that it's a critical aspect of who we are as human beings and how we function as developing life forms interacting with a mysterious and unknown cosmos.

Feel free to let me know your own thoughts on the subject of personal difficulties and doubt and whether this subject resonated with you.

More information on the subject on the blog:

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